About us

The Association of Roma Music Artists in the Czech Republic is an association founded on
June 20, 2021.

The purpose of the association is to strengthen the capacity and professionalization of Roma
music artists in the Czech Republic.


To achieve this purpose, the association determines the following main activities:

  • work with the legislature, state and municipal authorities and institutions to create appropriate conditions for the establishment and development of business in the music industry,
  • to assist in resolving the professional affairs of its members, including raising their professional musical level,
  • to organize an exchange of views of its members, partners and sympathizers on common issues and current issues of their professional education, entrepreneurship, presentation, promotion and PR, financing, human resources, grant and subsidy management and public opinion research and other areas that will lead to capacity building and professionalization of Roma music artists in the Czech Republic,
  • to prevent unfair competition, xenophobia and to suppress low-quality and unprofessional activities and business activities in the field of music, while respecting market rules,
  • to create a basis for collective membership in national and international non-governmental organizations of a similar nature,
  • to participate in the preparation and assessment of documents for expert commissions and bodies affected by the culture and music industries of the Roma,
  • to participate in the proposals of additional programs and grant calls of the EU to support the integration of the Roma community for the cultural field,
  • collect and analyze data on the state of Roma music culture in the Czech Republic, to organize or participate in the organization of conferences, congresses, seminars and workshops in the field of music culture,
  • to initiate, participate in the initiation and implement innovative projects with a social impact and beyond in the field of music culture,
  • to promote and implement non-formal and lifelong public benefit education and awareness in the music education of children, youth and adults,
  • organize music festivals and talent shows and similar events to develop and support Roma music culture.


In addition to its main activity, the association also carries out ancillary economic activities, consisting of business or other gainful activity activities to support the main activity or in the economical use of federal property, in the subject of business:

  • production, trade and services not listed in Annexes 1 to 3 of the Trade Licensing Act.


The chairman of the association is Ing. Maximilian Reichel.

The director of the association is Ing. Ales Baran.

Project managers: senior project manager Ing. Olga Nedbalová and junior project manager
Marcela Bernátová.